Best Flowers to Plant in Spring That Last All Summer
By: Alya Koe
Author bio: Alya Koe is a passionate gardener who has dedicated her life to spreading the joys of gardening to others. Through her writing, she shares her vast knowledge and experience with her readers, providing tips, tricks, and inspiration for cultivating beautiful gardens.
Have you noticed fewer flowers in the garden in your raised flower beds this spring? Flowers have a mind of their own and bloom when they're ready. They may bloom early, late, or not at all. To get flowers to bloom when you want them to, you need to prepare well in advance.
The ideal season for planting flowers in spring. It's typically too early for plants in soil yet early enough for sun-loving perennials. Whether it's perennial flower beds or flower pots on your balcony, planting flowers in spring will reward you with beautiful blooms throughout summer. Here are some tips on how to do that in an ideal manner. In this blog, we'll cover the best flowers to plant in spring and tips on how you can prepare for planting them well in advance and last through summer with ease.

Plant These Flowers in Spring for Long-Lasting Summer Blooms
Plant tulips in the fall for vibrant spring bloom. They are typically treated as annuals that bloom for a few weeks.
The sun-loving blue salvia and red salvia are great options for spring planting. They both have bright pink or red petals and can grow well in sun or shade. They also bloom continuously, making them a great choice for sunny climates.
Another flower that can bloom year-round is the sunflower. These sunbeams of yellow, orange, white, and purple flowers can be found in sunny areas all over the world. They are easy to care for and can withstand some frost.
Marigolds are a perennial favorite that can be grown in any soil type and produce beautiful flowers throughout the summer. Because of their long-blooming nature, flowers help create a sunny and happy environment during the summer months.
Perennial sunflowers
Try perennial sunflowers and daisies as well. Both sunflowers and daisies are perennial plants that bloom all summer long and can withstand the hot summer days.
Vincia and angelonia
Vincia and angelonia are two other plants that bloom well in the sun and shade. These flowers come in various colors, shapes, and sizes, making them perfect additions to any garden.
Many other flowers, such as coreopsis, phlox, rudbeckia, achillea, echinacea, gaillardia, Leucanthemum, and snowdrops are also summer bloomers. They can be planted during spring or summer and will provide bright flowers throughout the season.
Tips for Planting Flowers this Spring for Summer Splendor
This spring, consider planting flowers that are known for their summertime bloom in your raised flower beds.
- To prevent insects from damaging your flowers, pinch off the leaves of susceptible plants such as blue salvia and red salvia before cutting back spent blooms to encourage more bloom. Also, save seeds from sunflowers to ensure they return year after year for beautiful summer blooms.
- Consider the amount of sunlight the flower will receive. Sun-loving flowers, such as sunflowers and zinnias, are ideal for summer gardens. They provide bright colors and long-lasting sustenance.
- Choose flowers that are drought-resistant. Flowers such as lilacs and sunflowers aren't easily damaged by drought. Selecting these flowers can help your summer garden stay vibrant and beautiful through the season.
- Cut back spent blooms to encourage new blooms. This is an effective way to keep your summer garden looking vibrant and full of life. By cutting back spent blooms, you're discouraging pests from accessing foliage, which helps prevent damage to your flowers and foliage.
- Plant in the right season. Many summer flowers are sun-loving, making them perfect for growing during summer. However, it's important to select flowers that are well-suited for your region's climate and growing conditions. For example, snowdrops are popular in cold regions but can be hard to grow due to their frost-tender nature.
- Lastly, it's essential to maintain healthy plants in the summer months by removing any damaged parts of the plant or any diseased foliage. This will help prevent pests from spreading to your summer flower garden.
How to grow flowers in raised flower beds this spring?
- Plant snowdrops in the autumn to bloom in the springtime - Plant wallflowers in the autumn for early spring blooms.
- Plant sunflowers from February to July for blooms from April to October.
- Plant vinca plants indoors from January to May and outside from March to July for summer flowers.
- Ensure that the soil is well-drained and fertilized to promote growth These flowers are easy to grow and require minimal maintenance. They can be planted on any sunny window sill or balcony, as they will tolerate partial sun, but they also prefer full sun.
- Ensure that they have plenty of water and nutrients during their growing season, as well.
Which flowers are best suited for a sunny backyard in raised flower beds?
Daylilies are great for sunny backyard gardening, as they will produce more buds in direct exposure to the sun. This perennial flower is known for its bright yellow flowers and foliage and can grow up to 6 feet tall and wide.
Pansies and Violas
Pansies and Violas are a great option for early spring planting, as they can tolerate frost and mild freezes. These perennial flowers have blue or purple flowers and can grow up to 12 inches tall and wide.
Other friendly flower bulbs
Harlequin Flower Mix (Sparaxis), Karma Corona Semi-Cactus Dahlia, and Peacock Orchids are also well-suited for sunny backyards. These flowers are known for their brightly-colored petals and foliage and can grow up to 12 inches tall and wide. Marigolds require full sun and regular water to thrive, making them perfect additions to garden beds. Their bright yellow flowers have an everlasting charm and make an excellent summer centerpiece.
What are some of the worst flowers to plant in Spring?
If you're planting spring flowers in your garden, there are a few flowers to avoid planting as they tend to not return. These include Fritillaria, Forget-Me-Nots, and Hyacinths.
Hyacinths are great flowers, but rodents won't be kept away from them due to a toxic substance in the bulbs, foliage, and flowers of the plant. Aayush from WillToSkill, suggests considering planting bulbs that do not pop up too early like sunflowers or daisies. Another option is perennial flowers like lavender or zinnia. These flower types will provide beautiful springtime colors without having to worry about them fading by summertime.
In addition to avoiding the flowers mentioned above, it is also important to check the soil of your growing area for pests and cultivate well if necessary. Also, ensure that you water well during the spring season so that the soil can become well-drained, and avoid overwatering your plants as this could lead to wilting and reduced flowering of the flowers.
It is true that flowers growing in an beautiful