How to Keep Squirrels Out of the Garden

Squirrels may be adorable to watch, but when they start to dig up our raised garden beds and steal everything they can get their cute little hands on, they quickly become, well- not so adorable. Thankfully, we have plenty of tips to help you keep squirrels out of the garden. And the best part – our ways don’t harm them, they just keep them away. But, we took a lot of time and experimenting to get to where we are now. Trust us, with the right combination of physical barriers, deterrents, and a little bit of strategic planting, you too can protect your plants.

Let’s maintain a beautiful outdoor space together.

Why Do Squirrels Invade Gardens?

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Before we dive into the topic of how to keep squirrels away, it will probably help you to understand why they love our gardens so much in the first place. Squirrels are opportunistic eaters. They love to snack on fruits, vegetables, nuts, and even young plants. On top of that, they also dig in soil to bury food or search for insects. All of their activities can wreak havoc on garden beds and potted plants.

That’s why we decided to give you a few ways to keep squirrels out of your garden. Take a look:

1. Use Physical Barriers to Keep Squirrels Out

One of the most effective ways to keep squirrels out of the garden is to make it physically almost impossible for them to access your plants. There are a few ways you can do that.

●Raised Garden Beds

Metal raised garden beds can be a great way to deter squirrels. Their smooth sides make it harder for these agile climbers to get in. Here, we recommend our 17-inch and 32-inch metal raised beds. They create a strong and elevated barrier that helps keep squirrels away.

●Stainless Steel Mesh

Some squirrels are persistent diggers. They just try to tunnel under the garden beds to reach the tasty roots and bulbs. Smart little creatures, aren’t they? In this case, you can put a stainless steel mesh at the bottom of your raised beds to prevent them from getting in from underneath. Take a look at our Vegega Stainless Steel Mesh.

●Garden Bed Covers

For those of you who want to add an extra layer of protection, use a light net raised garden bed cover. This is an excellent way to block the squirrels' access to your plants yet still allow sunlight and rain to reach them. Of course, we have a solution for that, too! Check out our Vegega Raised Garden Bed Cover.

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32-inch Tall Raised Garden Beds

Stainless Steel Mesh

Raised Garden Bed Covers

2. Keep Squirrels Away With A Few Natural Deterrents

If physical barriers don’t do the trick, there are plenty of natural deterrents that can help keep squirrels at bay. Here are a few:

Strong Scents

Squirrels have an excellent sense of smell, and we can use that against them. Scents that work well include:

  • Peppermint oil – What you can do is soak cotton balls in peppermint oil and place them around the garden.
  • Cayenne pepper – We also sprinkle it on soil and plants (it is safe for plants, but not for squirrels).
  • Coffee grounds – Last but not least, some coffee grounds in the garden can help deter squirrels and enhance the quality of the soil.

Predator Decoys

Squirrels will stay away if they think a predator is nearby. You can use decoys like owl statues or rubber snakes. But, if you want to get the best results, try to regularly move them around.

Motion-Activated Sprinklers or Lights

A motion-activated sprinkler can startle squirrels. Trust us, this will make them think twice before they come back. You can also use lights or ultrasonic repellents if you really want to keep them away.

How to Keep Squirrels Out of Flower Pots and Potted Plants

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Squirrels love to dig in flower pots. In the process, they uproot the plants – and that’s not good. Here are some effective tips on how to keep squirrels out of flower pots and potted plants:

  • Add a Layer of Mulch – We suggest you use large, rough mulch (like pine cones or stone chips). This can make their digging a lot more difficult.
  • Use Nets – Place a fine mesh or chicken wire over the soil. It can prevent squirrels from digging into the pots.
  • Mix in Coffee Grounds – While we already mentioned this, it is always good to say it twice. Remember that coffee grounds in the garden and your flower pots can naturally repel squirrels.
  • Move Pots to a Secure Area - If possible, bring your pots to your porch, inside your greenhouse, or behind a fence – somewhere where squirrels are less likely to reach them.

What to Avoid When Figuring Out How to Keep Squirrels Away


While you may want to try harsher methods, maybe you should not turn to poisons, glue traps, or other inhumane solutions immediately. Not only can these harm squirrels, but they may also pose a risk to pets, birds, and beneficial garden creatures. So, this is definitely out of the question.

On top of that, not everything works in every situation. Squirrels are intelligent and adaptable. You may need to combine multiple strategies for the best results – but you will still have some damage done to your garden in the process.

Create a Squirrel-Friendly Space Elsewhere

Sounds like the best and simplest solution, doesn’t it? Sometimes, the best way to keep squirrels out of the garden is to give them their own space. Set up a separate area with food sources like a squirrel feeder filled with nuts. This can keep them distracted from your plants. Just make sure to put it as far away from the garden as you possibly can!


With the right strategies, you can effectively keep squirrels out of the garden and protect our plants. You just need to get a little bit resourceful (just like they do). For the best protection, we recommend you invest in raised garden beds, stainless steel mesh, and garden bed covers. These solutions will deter squirrels and give you long-term benefits for your plants. Check out our detailed raised bed buyer guide if you need.

Choose A Raised Bed to Keep Squirrels Away

galvanized steel raised beds-Vegega
assembly method of 8x4 Galvanized Steel Raised Beds
32-inch tall 8x4 galvanized steel raised beds-Vegega
32-inch galvanized steel raised beds-Vegega
32-inch tall galvanized steel raised beds blue-Vegega
8x4 galvanized steel raised beds  green-Vegega
4x8 galvanized steel raised beds grey-Vegega
32-inch tall galvanized steel raised bed orange-Vegega
32-inch tall white galvanized steel raised bed -Vegega
infographic of different heights of metal garden beds-vegega
infographic of metal panel of metal panels-vegega
infographic of safety feature of metal garden beds-vegega
galvanized steel raised beds-Vegega
assembly method of 8x4 Galvanized Steel Raised Beds
32-inch tall 8x4 galvanized steel raised beds-Vegega
32-inch galvanized steel raised beds-Vegega
32-inch tall galvanized steel raised beds blue-Vegega
8x4 galvanized steel raised beds  green-Vegega
4x8 galvanized steel raised beds grey-Vegega
32-inch tall galvanized steel raised bed orange-Vegega
32-inch tall white galvanized steel raised bed -Vegega
infographic of different heights of metal garden beds-vegega
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infographic of safety feature of metal garden beds-vegega

32'' Tall 8x4 Galvanized Steel Raised Beds (10 in 1)【Upgrade 2.0】

galvanized raised garden bed-Vegega
assembly method of Galvanized Raised Garden Bed Kit
galvanized raised garden-Vegega
galvanized raised garden bed kit-Vegega
Galvanized Raised Garden Bed Kit
galvanized garden bed fill with soil-Vegega
Galvanized Raised Garden Bed Kit
32 inches tall green galvanized raised garden bed-Vegega
32 inches tall blue galvanized garden bed kit-Vegega
32 inches tall grey galvanized bed-Vegega
32 inches tall white raised bed galvanized-Vegega
32 inches tall orange galvanised raised garden bed-Vegega
infographic of long service life of metal beds-Vegega
infographic of safety feature of metal garden beds-Vegega
infographic of different heights of metal garden beds-Vegega
galvanized raised garden bed-Vegega
assembly method of Galvanized Raised Garden Bed Kit
galvanized raised garden-Vegega
galvanized raised garden bed kit-Vegega
Galvanized Raised Garden Bed Kit
galvanized garden bed fill with soil-Vegega
Galvanized Raised Garden Bed Kit
32 inches tall green galvanized raised garden bed-Vegega
32 inches tall blue galvanized garden bed kit-Vegega
32 inches tall grey galvanized bed-Vegega
32 inches tall white raised bed galvanized-Vegega
32 inches tall orange galvanised raised garden bed-Vegega
infographic of long service life of metal beds-Vegega
infographic of safety feature of metal garden beds-Vegega
infographic of different heights of metal garden beds-Vegega

32'' Tall 8x2 Galvanized Raised Garden Bed Kit (9 in 1)【Upgrade 2.0】

32 raised garden bed-Vegega
32 raised garden bed assembly method
6 foot planter box-Vegega
close up of 32 inch tall raised garden bed-Vegega
white 32 raised garden bed growing peppers
growing vegetables in a raised planter box
32 inches tall raised garden bed-Vegega
32 inch metal raised garden bed-Vegega
green planter boxes raised-Vegega
6.5x2 raised planter boxes-Vegega
6.5x2 raised garden bed-Vegega
32'' Tall 6.5'x2' Metal Raised Garden Beds (6 in 1) - VEGEGA Metal Raised Garden Bed
32'' Tall 6.5'x2' Metal Raised Garden Beds (6 in 1) - VEGEGA Metal Raised Garden Bed
32 inches tall orange raised planter box-Vegega
32 inches tall blue raised metal planter boxes -Vegega
32'' Tall 6.5'x2' Metal Raised Garden Beds (6 in 1) - VEGEGA Metal Raised Garden Bed
infographic of different heights of raised planters-Vegega
infographic of safety features of raised planter-Vegega
infographic of long service life of raised boxes-Vegega
32 raised garden bed-Vegega
32 raised garden bed assembly method
6 foot planter box-Vegega
close up of 32 inch tall raised garden bed-Vegega
white 32 raised garden bed growing peppers
growing vegetables in a raised planter box
32 inches tall raised garden bed-Vegega
32 inch metal raised garden bed-Vegega
green planter boxes raised-Vegega
6.5x2 raised planter boxes-Vegega
6.5x2 raised garden bed-Vegega
32'' Tall 6.5'x2' Metal Raised Garden Beds (6 in 1) - VEGEGA Metal Raised Garden Bed
32'' Tall 6.5'x2' Metal Raised Garden Beds (6 in 1) - VEGEGA Metal Raised Garden Bed
32 inches tall orange raised planter box-Vegega
32 inches tall blue raised metal planter boxes -Vegega
32'' Tall 6.5'x2' Metal Raised Garden Beds (6 in 1) - VEGEGA Metal Raised Garden Bed
infographic of different heights of raised planters-Vegega
infographic of safety features of raised planter-Vegega
infographic of long service life of raised boxes-Vegega

32'' Tall 6.5x2 Raised Garden Bed (6 in 1)【Upgrade 2.0】

round garden bed growing peppers
assembly method of Round Garden Bed
white round garden bed-Vegega
round garden bed-Vegega
32 inches tall round garden bed orange-Vegega
round tall metal raised garden bed white-Vegega
32 inches tall round raised garden bed blue-Vegega
round galvanized raised garden bed grey-Vegega
infographic of different heights of raised garden beds-Vegega
infographic of long service life of metal raised bed-Vegega
infographic of safety features of raised garden bed-Vegega
classic round raised garden bed green- Vegega
classic round raised garden bed gray- Vegega
classic round raised garden bed moss green- Vegega
classic round raised garden bed white- Vegega
round garden bed growing peppers
assembly method of Round Garden Bed
white round garden bed-Vegega
round garden bed-Vegega
32 inches tall round garden bed orange-Vegega
round tall metal raised garden bed white-Vegega
32 inches tall round raised garden bed blue-Vegega
round galvanized raised garden bed grey-Vegega
infographic of different heights of raised garden beds-Vegega
infographic of long service life of metal raised bed-Vegega
infographic of safety features of raised garden bed-Vegega
classic round raised garden bed green- Vegega
classic round raised garden bed gray- Vegega
classic round raised garden bed moss green- Vegega
classic round raised garden bed white- Vegega

32'' Tall 42'' Wide Round Garden Bed【Upgrade 2.0】
