Metal Raised Garden Beds Buyer Guide

Metal raised garden beds might be the perfect option to build a stylish and practical garden. They’re durable and create the ideal soil environment for plants. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert gardener, choosing the right raised bed matters.

Our 2025 detailed buyer’s guide is here to make your decision easier. From sizing to installation tips, we’ve got you covered. No complicated steps—just straightforward advice to answer all your questions. Let’s explore how to find the best metal raised garden bed for your space. Ready? Let’s get started!

Bottom or No Bottom? Pick the Right Raised Bed

Vegega provides bottomless raised garden beds, and we recommend starting with a bottomless raised bed unless you have a specific reason to add one. Bottomless raised beds are great for natural drainage and root growth, while garden beds with a bottom are ideal for hard surfaces and pest control.

side of metal raised garden bed with bottom.JPG__PID:063ab744-a7f3-42b1-9a42-b0dcc5aba629

Add a Bottom If:

  • You’re gardening on a balcony and want to keep it tiny.
  • You need to keep small pests out.
  • You’re dealing with sloped terrain and heavy rains.

Go Bottomless If:

  • You’re gardening on a balcony and want to keep it tiny.
  • You need to keep small pests out.
  • You’re dealing with sloped terrain and heavy rains.
Continue Reading
bottomless metal raised garden beds put on the grass.jpg__PID:dd02dcb3-8942-4d0f-95db-763a5d6af824
metal raised garden bed with bottom grow tomatoes.JPG__PID:b0063ab7-44a7-4342-b11a-42b0dcc5aba6
close up of metal raised bed with bottom

Will Metal Raised Beds Move Over Time?

One of the most common questions is whether metal raised beds will move or shift, especially since they don't have a fixed base. However, the weight of the soil and other filler holds the garden bed firmly in place. Even on slightly sloped surfaces, the raised beds remain stable on various grounds, such as grass, cement, or wooden decks.

metal raised bed put on gravels
metal raised bed put on the concrete
metal raised bed put on the grass

How Filling Methods Keep Your Raised Bed Stable

1. Lasagna Filling Method

The Lasagna filling method uses alternating green and brown organic materials, compost, and soil layers. These layers break down over time and turn into rich, loamy soil that plants adore.

Lasagna Garden Bed

2. Hugelkultur Filling Method

Hugelkultur involves filling the bottom of the garden bed with logs, branches, and other woody debris. These layers break down over time, becoming a nutrient food for beneficial microorganisms.

Hugelkultur Garden Bed

Ready to fill your bed the right way? Check out our analysis of the comparison of the two filling methods.

Will Soil Leak from Metal Raised Beds on Concrete or Decks

Our bottomless metal raised beds are designed to keep soil exactly where it belongs—inside the garden bed. With proper setup, you can prevent soil from escaping and get a water-out, soil-in garden bed. Here are the best practices for preventing soil leakage.

  • Choose Permeable Liner:  Line the bottom of the garden bed with materials like landscape fabric or geotextile cloth. This allows water to drain while keeping soil particles contained. View article about the liners for garden bed.
  • Use a Base Layer: Placing some coarse material (gravel or small stones) at the bottom can enhance drainage and prevent soil from seeping out.
  • Choose Quality Soil Mix: Opt for well-structured soil mixes that retain moisture without being overly loose, reducing the risk of soil escaping. View the best soil for raised beds.
metal raised bed put on the gravel.JPG__PID:d05cb4ad-9fdd-4db1-ad16-629bf777a872
raised garden bed sit on rocks

The Right Raised Bed to Deter Burrowing and Climbing Pests

Burrowing pests like gophers, voles, and moles can destroy your garden overnight. Choosing the right raised bed height—combined with our stainless steel mesh—creates a strong defense.

Common Burrowing Pests

PestBehaviorDepth Range
GophersBurrow from below, chew roots from beneath.Up to 18 inches
VolesShallow diggers, attack plant roots and stems.Less than 12 inches
MolesDig tunnels, disrupt soil structure, indirectly harm plants.Up to 24 inches
Ground SquirrelsDig burrows, damage roots and young plants.12–18 inches

Common Climbing Pests

PestBehaviorHeigth Range
RaccoonsClimb and reach into garden beds, steal fruits and vegetables.Up to 15 inches reach
DeerBrowse plants from above, can reach down into low beds.Up to 48 inches reach
RabbitsJump into low beds, nibble on young plants and leaves.Up to 24 inches jump
SquirrelsClimb and dig, steal seeds and young plants.Up to 36 inches jump
32-inch tall metal raised bed stops pests from climbing
gopher under the garden bed stopped by the gopher wire
17-inch tall raised bed and gopher wire installed
stainless steel mesh-Vegega
stainless steel wire mesh laid under the garden  bed-Vegega
close up of stainless steel mesh roll-Vegega
stainless steel wire mesh laid on the ground-Vegega
close up of the wire mesh-Vegega
stainless steel mesh-Vegega
stainless steel wire mesh laid under the garden  bed-Vegega
close up of stainless steel mesh roll-Vegega
stainless steel wire mesh laid on the ground-Vegega
close up of the wire mesh-Vegega

Stainless Steel Mesh For Blocking Gophers

8x2 corrugated metal flower beds assmebly method
corrugated metal flower beds filled with soil-Vegega
corrugated metal raised beds growing strawberry-Vegega
growing flowers in corrugated metal flower bed-Vegega
moss green 8x2 ft corrugated metal flower beds-Vegega
corrugated metal beds plants herbs-Vegega
corrugated metal raised flower beds white-Vegega
grey flower bed corrugated-Vegega
11 inches tall green metal flower beds corrugated-Vegega
11 inches tall blue raised corrugated flower beds diy-Vegega
11 inches tall orange raised flower beds ideas-Vegega
8x2 corrugated metal flower beds assmebly method
corrugated metal flower beds filled with soil-Vegega
corrugated metal raised beds growing strawberry-Vegega
growing flowers in corrugated metal flower bed-Vegega
moss green 8x2 ft corrugated metal flower beds-Vegega
corrugated metal beds plants herbs-Vegega
corrugated metal raised flower beds white-Vegega
grey flower bed corrugated-Vegega
11 inches tall green metal flower beds corrugated-Vegega
11 inches tall blue raised corrugated flower beds diy-Vegega
11 inches tall orange raised flower beds ideas-Vegega

11'' Tall 8x2 Corrugated Metal Flower Beds (9 in 1)【Upgrade 2.0】

metal planter box-Vegega
8x2 metal planter boxes assembly method
large outdoor planter boxes-Vegega
metal raised planter boxes growing squashes and flowers-Vegega
outdoor metal planter boxes-Vegega
corrugated metal planter boxes-Vegega
growing peppers in white planter box
metal planter boxes layout in garden-Vegega
17 inches tall blue planter boxes for sale-Vegega
raised planter boxes blue growing plants-Vegega
orange metal planter box growing scallions in the backyard
steel planter boxes growing plants-Vegega
growing vegetables in metal planter box-Vegega
eight metal planter boxes in greenhouse-Vegega
filling raised planter with soil-Vegega
transplant seedlings in grey metal planter box-Vegega
metal planter boxes garden ideas growing flowers-Vegega
outdoor planter boxes planting layout-Vegega
planter boxes ideas layout-Vegega
raised metal planter boxes growing squashes-Vegega
planter boxes raised diy plans-Vegega
planter box grows squash-Vegega
17 inches tall green galvanized steel planter boxes growing spring onions-Vegega
two metal planter boxes growing peppers-Vegega
17 inches tall green metal planter boxes-Vegega
17 inches tall white raised planter boxes-Vegega
17 inches tall blue galvanized planter boxes-Vegega
17 inches tall grey planter raised boxes-Vegega
17 inches tall orange elevated planter boxes-Vegega
classic metal planter boxes moss green- Vegega
classic metal planter boxes gray- Vegega
classic metal planter boxes white- Vegega
classic metal planter boxes green- Vegega
metal planter box-Vegega
8x2 metal planter boxes assembly method
large outdoor planter boxes-Vegega
metal raised planter boxes growing squashes and flowers-Vegega
outdoor metal planter boxes-Vegega
corrugated metal planter boxes-Vegega
growing peppers in white planter box
metal planter boxes layout in garden-Vegega
17 inches tall blue planter boxes for sale-Vegega
raised planter boxes blue growing plants-Vegega
orange metal planter box growing scallions in the backyard
steel planter boxes growing plants-Vegega
growing vegetables in metal planter box-Vegega
eight metal planter boxes in greenhouse-Vegega
filling raised planter with soil-Vegega
transplant seedlings in grey metal planter box-Vegega
metal planter boxes garden ideas growing flowers-Vegega
outdoor planter boxes planting layout-Vegega
planter boxes ideas layout-Vegega
raised metal planter boxes growing squashes-Vegega
planter boxes raised diy plans-Vegega
planter box grows squash-Vegega
17 inches tall green galvanized steel planter boxes growing spring onions-Vegega
two metal planter boxes growing peppers-Vegega
17 inches tall green metal planter boxes-Vegega
17 inches tall white raised planter boxes-Vegega
17 inches tall blue galvanized planter boxes-Vegega
17 inches tall grey planter raised boxes-Vegega
17 inches tall orange elevated planter boxes-Vegega
classic metal planter boxes moss green- Vegega
classic metal planter boxes gray- Vegega
classic metal planter boxes white- Vegega
classic metal planter boxes green- Vegega

17'' Tall 8x2 Metal Raised Garden Beds (9 in 1)【Upgrade 2.0】

galvanized raised garden bed-Vegega
assembly method of Galvanized Raised Garden Bed Kit
galvanized raised garden-Vegega
galvanized raised garden bed kit-Vegega
Galvanized Raised Garden Bed Kit
galvanized garden bed fill with soil-Vegega
Galvanized Raised Garden Bed Kit
32 inches tall green galvanized raised garden bed-Vegega
32 inches tall blue galvanized garden bed kit-Vegega
32 inches tall grey galvanized bed-Vegega
32 inches tall white raised bed galvanized-Vegega
32 inches tall orange galvanised raised garden bed-Vegega
infographic of long service life of metal beds-Vegega
infographic of safety feature of metal garden beds-Vegega
infographic of different heights of metal garden beds-Vegega
classic raised metal bed green-Vegega
classic raised metal bed gray-Vegega
classic raised metal bed moss green-Vegega
classic raised metal bed white-Vegega
galvanized raised garden bed-Vegega
assembly method of Galvanized Raised Garden Bed Kit
galvanized raised garden-Vegega
galvanized raised garden bed kit-Vegega
Galvanized Raised Garden Bed Kit
galvanized garden bed fill with soil-Vegega
Galvanized Raised Garden Bed Kit
32 inches tall green galvanized raised garden bed-Vegega
32 inches tall blue galvanized garden bed kit-Vegega
32 inches tall grey galvanized bed-Vegega
32 inches tall white raised bed galvanized-Vegega
32 inches tall orange galvanised raised garden bed-Vegega
infographic of long service life of metal beds-Vegega
infographic of safety feature of metal garden beds-Vegega
infographic of different heights of metal garden beds-Vegega
classic raised metal bed green-Vegega
classic raised metal bed gray-Vegega
classic raised metal bed moss green-Vegega
classic raised metal bed white-Vegega

32'' Tall 8x2 Galvanized Raised Garden Bed Kit (9 in 1)


How to Choose Special Shapes Raised Garden Beds

Regular raised garden beds fit every place in the yard, but special shapes, like L-shaped or heart-shaped planters, can upgrade and shine your garden. Whether working with garden corners or maximizing small areas, here’s how to use unique shapes to elevate your garden design.

L-Shaped Raised Garden Beds

Best Placement:

✓ Corner spaces (e.g., house corners, fence corners)
✓ Dividing areas (e.g., separating vegetable and flower gardens)

Design Advantages:

→ Saves space + Increases planting area

L-shaped raised garden bed

U-Shaped Raised Garden Beds

Best Placement:

✓ Surrounding trees or decorative features (e.g., fountains)
✓ Creating an entryway welcome area (e.g., porch sides)

Design Advantages:

→ Three-sided design growing various crops

u-shaped raised garden bed

Heart-Shaped Raised Garden Beds

Best Placement:

✓ Entryway welcome spot (creates a warm first impression for visitors)
 ✓ Kids’ garden corner (inspires children’s love for nature)

Design Advantages:

→ Space optimization (curved design fits corners or irregular spaces)

heart-shaped raised garden bed

Other Unique-Shaped Raised Garden Beds

assembly method of Castle-Shaped Raised Garden Bed
side close view of the castle metal garden beds-Vegega
castle raised garden bed-Vegega
castle shaped raised garden bed-Vegega
raised garden bed in castle shape- Vegega
infographic of metal panel of metal garden beds-vegega
infographic of different heights of metal raised beds-vegega
infographic of safety feature of metal raised garden beds-vegega
assembly method of Castle-Shaped Raised Garden Bed
side close view of the castle metal garden beds-Vegega
castle raised garden bed-Vegega
castle shaped raised garden bed-Vegega
raised garden bed in castle shape- Vegega
infographic of metal panel of metal garden beds-vegega
infographic of different heights of metal raised beds-vegega
infographic of safety feature of metal raised garden beds-vegega

32'' Tall Castle-Shaped Raised Garden Bed【Upgrade 2.0】

17 inches tall moon shaped raised garden bed-Vegega
17 inches tall moon shaped raised beds-Vegega
17 inches tall moon shaped metal garden bed-Vegega
infographic of showing moon shaped changed into open ring shaped elevated planter box-Vegega
infographic of metal panel of metal garden beds-vegega
infographic of safety feature of metal raised garden beds-vegega
infographic of different heights of metal raised beds-vegega
17 inches tall moon shaped raised garden bed-Vegega
17 inches tall moon shaped raised beds-Vegega
17 inches tall moon shaped metal garden bed-Vegega
infographic of showing moon shaped changed into open ring shaped elevated planter box-Vegega
infographic of metal panel of metal garden beds-vegega
infographic of safety feature of metal raised garden beds-vegega
infographic of different heights of metal raised beds-vegega

17'' Tall New Moon Shaped Raised Garden Bed

connection details of 32
connection details of 32
3 tier garden bed-Vegega
three tier garden bed-Vegega
infographic of different heights of metal raised beds-vegega
infographic of safety feature of metal raised garden beds-vegega
infographic of metal panel of metal garden beds-vegega
connection details of 32
connection details of 32
3 tier garden bed-Vegega
three tier garden bed-Vegega
infographic of different heights of metal raised beds-vegega
infographic of safety feature of metal raised garden beds-vegega
infographic of metal panel of metal garden beds-vegega

32'' Tall 3 Tier Garden Bed Large Size【Upgrade 2.0】

2 Tiered Garden Bed assembly method
show of all accessories of 17
tiered garden bed-Vegega
two tiered garden bed grey-Vegega
infographic of safety feature of metal raised garden beds-vegega
infographic of different heights of metal raised beds-vegega
infographic of metal panel of metal garden beds-vegega
2 Tiered Garden Bed assembly method
show of all accessories of 17
tiered garden bed-Vegega
two tiered garden bed grey-Vegega
infographic of safety feature of metal raised garden beds-vegega
infographic of different heights of metal raised beds-vegega
infographic of metal panel of metal garden beds-vegega

17'' Tall 2 Tiered Garden Bed【Upgrade 2.0】


Final Thought

Regular raised garden beds fit every place in the yard, but special shapes, like L-shaped or heart-shaped planters, can upgrade and shine your garden. Whether working with garden corners or maximizing small areas, here’s how to use unique shapes to elevate your garden design.