How To Plant Hydrangeas Like An Expert Green Thumb

Hydrangeas are breathtaking plants, and their blooms can make any garden as vibrant as ever. They are the perfect choice when we want to add some colorfulness to the outside of our homes. Their hues will make our yards stunning, and you will love taking care of them. 

However, to ensure the flowers grow as expected, you need the right guidelines, especially if you don’t know how to plant hydrangeas. Like every plant, these flowers require attention and a good routine set in place for them to flourish. That is why we have included several hydrangea plant care tips that will help you grow hydrangeas in your flower bed and help them thrive colorfully!

Best Time to Plant Hydrangeas

Hydrangeas in garden

Most gardener rookies are unsure when to grow their desired plants. Timing is a crucial factor when it comes to the seeds’ success, and hydrangeas are no exception. In other words, we should figure out the ideal time to plant hydrangeas to see them flourish. 

However, before establishing the right time, it is essential to figure out how we want to look after our flowers. That is, we need to decide whether to plant hydrangeas in pots or in the ground. This is quite important because it is how you will determine the appropriate time for planting them.

Planting Hydrangeas in Garden Beds

When it comes to planting hydrangeas in raised garden beds, it is best to do it in the spring. Fall is also an option, but it is not as ideal. Since potted plants are more exposed to frost, it is better to play it safe. Garden beds can be risky for fall, so many gardeners avoid growing hydrangeas during this season.

But, even if you plant hydrangeas in pots in spring, taking some precautions might be useful. For instance, if you suspect there might be frost, we suggest taking some steps to protect the plants, like covering the pots with straw. On the other hand, in warmer areas, we should simply move them to the ground in the fall.  

corrugated raised garden beds grow various flowers
3.5x2 Corrugated Raised Garden Bed assembly method
corrugated raised garden bed growing with flowers-Vegega
corrugated raised garden bed grows potatoes-Vegega
raised beds filling with soil-Vegega
2-in-1 garden raised bed white-Vegega
flower garden bed-Vegega
17-inch garden raised bed white-Vegega
17-inch garden raised bed grey-Vegega
17-inch garden raised bed moss green-Vegega
17-inch metal garden raised bed green-Vegega
17-inch garden bed orange-Vegega
17-inch garden raised bed blue-Vegega
corrugated raised garden beds grow various flowers
3.5x2 Corrugated Raised Garden Bed assembly method
corrugated raised garden bed growing with flowers-Vegega
corrugated raised garden bed grows potatoes-Vegega
raised beds filling with soil-Vegega
2-in-1 garden raised bed white-Vegega
flower garden bed-Vegega
17-inch garden raised bed white-Vegega
17-inch garden raised bed grey-Vegega
17-inch garden raised bed moss green-Vegega
17-inch metal garden raised bed green-Vegega
17-inch garden bed orange-Vegega
17-inch garden raised bed blue-Vegega

17" Tall 3.5x2 Corrugated Raised Garden Bed (2 in 1)【Upgrade 2.0】


Our corrugated raised garden bed is ideal for growing herbs or small fruit trees. The corrugated raised beds absorb the sunlight, making the soil warm up faster in early spring, allowing seeds to germinate earlier and planting to begin earlier.

Benefits of 17" tall Corrugated Raised Garden Bed

  • Durable in Use

The corrugated raised garden beds are made of high-quality materials such as corrosion-resistant metals or strong Zn-Al-Mg steel. The tough steel-made metal garden beds are effective in handling harsh weather conditions. This durable design ensures that the bed is not prone to rust. This means that users can replace their beds infrequently, reducing maintenance costs and hassles.

  • Long Service Life

The elevated design of the raised bed provides more depth and space in the soil, helping to improve water retention. The 17" height allows the root system to expand into deeper layers of soil, gaining access to more nutrients and oxygen. Additionally, the elevated design helps maintain the temperature of the soil so that it is less likely to freeze in cold weather and overheat in hot weather.

  • Better Drainage

The 17" tall corrugated raised garden bed effectively improves soil drainage. The bottomless design avoids water pooling in the soil after rain or watering, preventing root rot problems caused by waterlogging. Good drainage helps maintain proper soil moisture levels while avoiding root disease and plant growth problems associated with standing water. This design ensures that the soil remains moderately moist, providing a healthy growing environment.

  • Pest Control

Because the corrugated garden bed is high off the ground, it effectively reduces plant infestations by ground pests. Many common pests, such as ants, snails, and subterranean bugs, have a harder time climbing this high. This design reduces exposure to pests, reduces damage to plants, and reduces reliance on chemical pesticides.

All of these benefits combine to make the corrugated raised garden bed an ideal gardening tool. And it also provides growers with a durable, long-lasting, comfortable, and efficient growing solution.

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Planting Hydrangeas in The Ground

The ideal time to move hydrangeas in the ground is during the fall or early spring. Fall is great for planting because the plants are getting ready to go dormant, so they can handle the move better and have the whole winter to adjust before growing again in the spring.

However, when planting them in early fall, ensure the summer heat is completely gone. Extreme temperatures can highly affect the hydrangeas and impact the success of future blooms. A similar thing goes for spring. Be sure the frost is absolutely gone before you plant hydrangeas. The last thing we want is to harm their flourishing in the process, so we need to be certain about the timing.

Where to Plant Hydrangeas?


Establishing proper hydrangea growing conditions is essential. Determining the right timing is not the only factor ensuring the plants thrive. Understanding the necessary type of soil and sunlight requirements will help us find the right place for vibrant hydrangeas.

Ideal Sunlight Requirements

When it comes to hydrangeas, the amount of sunlight they need depends on the species. For instance, most hydrangeas can handle more sun if they are placed on the north side. But as a general rule, it is best to find a spot with morning sun and afternoon shade, especially in warmer areas. This way, the plants are shielded from scorching afternoon heat but still get enough light to grow and bloom. Remember, these are the ideal hydrangea growing conditions, which are not easily achievable. With that said, we should try our hardest to come close to them and monitor our plants as they grow.

Perfect Soil Conditions

Hydrangeas, like well-drained soil, are packed with nutrients from organic matter. So before you plant them, mix in some compost to improve the soil. Most hydrangeas do best in slightly acidic soil with a pH between 5 and 6.5. Also, the soil’s pH levels can even influence the color of the blooms for some types of hydrangeas. This means that some flowers might be blue, pink, or white. 

How to Plant Hydrangeas?

Hydrangeas plants

Once we decide to plant hydrangeas in the garden, it is important to learn how to do that properly. Planting them properly gives us a good headstart and the expected results. So, here are some things we should be aware of. 

  • Create a Good Environment - Leave plenty of room for the hydrangea plants to spread out. They can grow anywhere from 60cm to 4m wide, depending on the type. Also, remember to mix lots of organic material into the soil before growing hydrangeas. These flowers flourish in soil packed with nutrients, so ensure your soil has the necessary properties.
  • Water Your Plants Properly -Hydrangeas are types of plants that need quite a bit of water, especially when they are growing. Ensure they are watered deeply and regularly so the soil stays moist but does not soak wet. Putting some mulch around the plant’s base can help to keep the moisture in and control the soil temperature. And when it is really hot and dry, you might need to water them even more to stop them from wilting and getting stressed out.
  • Do Not Forget Fertilization- Do not forget to give your hydrangeas some food in the early spring when they start growing. You can also feed them again in late spring or early summer to help them keep blooming. Just be careful not to give them too much fertilizer, or you might end up with lots of leaves but not many flowers. Some experts suggest using only half the recommended amount to get more blooms and fewer extra leaves.


Deciding to plant hydrangeas in your garden might be one of the greatest ideas you can come up with for your home. These blooming, colorful, and quite whimsical plants will add playfulness and appeal to your yard. As long as you master hydrangea plant care, your flowers will thrive, and you will have a vibrant garden like you always wanted! 

Growing Hydrangeas in Raised Beds

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32-inch tall white galvanized steel raised bed -Vegega
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32'' Tall 8x4 Galvanized Steel Raised Beds (10 in 1)【Upgrade 2.0】

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assembly method of Galvanized Raised Garden Bed Kit
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Galvanized Raised Garden Bed Kit
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Galvanized Raised Garden Bed Kit
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32 inches tall orange galvanised raised garden bed-Vegega
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Galvanized Raised Garden Bed Kit
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Galvanized Raised Garden Bed Kit
32 inches tall green galvanized raised garden bed-Vegega
32 inches tall blue galvanized garden bed kit-Vegega
32 inches tall grey galvanized bed-Vegega
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32 inches tall orange galvanised raised garden bed-Vegega
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32'' Tall 8x2 Galvanized Raised Garden Bed Kit (9 in 1)【Upgrade 2.0】

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32 inches tall raised garden bed-Vegega
32 inch metal raised garden bed-Vegega
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6.5x2 raised garden bed-Vegega
32'' Tall 6.5'x2' Metal Raised Garden Beds (6 in 1) - VEGEGA Metal Raised Garden Bed
32'' Tall 6.5'x2' Metal Raised Garden Beds (6 in 1) - VEGEGA Metal Raised Garden Bed
32 inches tall orange raised planter box-Vegega
32 inches tall blue raised metal planter boxes -Vegega
32'' Tall 6.5'x2' Metal Raised Garden Beds (6 in 1) - VEGEGA Metal Raised Garden Bed
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6 foot planter box-Vegega
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white 32 raised garden bed growing peppers
growing vegetables in a raised planter box
32 inches tall raised garden bed-Vegega
32 inch metal raised garden bed-Vegega
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6.5x2 raised planter boxes-Vegega
6.5x2 raised garden bed-Vegega
32'' Tall 6.5'x2' Metal Raised Garden Beds (6 in 1) - VEGEGA Metal Raised Garden Bed
32'' Tall 6.5'x2' Metal Raised Garden Beds (6 in 1) - VEGEGA Metal Raised Garden Bed
32 inches tall orange raised planter box-Vegega
32 inches tall blue raised metal planter boxes -Vegega
32'' Tall 6.5'x2' Metal Raised Garden Beds (6 in 1) - VEGEGA Metal Raised Garden Bed
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32'' Tall 6.5x2 Raised Garden Bed (6 in 1)【Upgrade 2.0】

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assembly method of Round Garden Bed
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round garden bed-Vegega
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round garden bed growing peppers
assembly method of Round Garden Bed
white round garden bed-Vegega
round garden bed-Vegega
32 inches tall round garden bed orange-Vegega
round tall metal raised garden bed white-Vegega
32 inches tall round raised garden bed blue-Vegega
round galvanized raised garden bed grey-Vegega
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32'' Tall 42'' Wide Round Garden Bed【Upgrade 2.0】

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assembly method of Galvanized Steel Raised Garden Bed
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32-inch tall galvanized steel raised garden bed green-Vegega
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assembly method of Galvanized Steel Raised Garden Bed
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32'' Tall 3.5x2 Galvanized Steel Raised Garden Bed (2 in 1)【Upgrade 2.0】

32'' Tall 5x2 Galvanized Flower Bed (4 in 1)【Upgrade 2.0】
growing flowers in an orange galvanized flower bed-Vegega
32 inches tall 5x2 galvanized flower bed-Vegega
5x2 galvanized flower bed-Vegega
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white galvanized flower bed growing veggies-Vegega
assembly method of Galvanized Flower Bed
a woman grow plants in a white galvanized flower bed-Vegega
32 inches tall green galvanized flower bedVegega
32 inches tall orange galvanized flower bed-Vegega
5x2 garden bed kit
Galvanized Flower Bed-Vegega
32 inches tall grey galvanized flower bed-Vegega
32'' Tall 5x2 Galvanized Flower Bed (4 in 1)【Upgrade 2.0】
growing flowers in an orange galvanized flower bed-Vegega
32 inches tall 5x2 galvanized flower bed-Vegega
5x2 galvanized flower bed-Vegega
growing tomatoes in a galvanized flower bed-Vegega
white galvanized flower bed growing veggies-Vegega
assembly method of Galvanized Flower Bed
a woman grow plants in a white galvanized flower bed-Vegega
32 inches tall green galvanized flower bedVegega
32 inches tall orange galvanized flower bed-Vegega
5x2 garden bed kit
Galvanized Flower Bed-Vegega
32 inches tall grey galvanized flower bed-Vegega

32'' Tall 5x2 Galvanized Flower Bed (4 in 1)【Upgrade 2.0】

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3 tiered raised garden bed
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3 tier raised garden bed-Vegega
3 tiered raised garden bed
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32'' Tall 3 Tier Raised Garden Bed【Upgrade 2.0】

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assembly method of Castle-Shaped Raised Garden Bed
castle shaped raised garden bed-Vegega
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castle raised garden bed-Vegega
assembly method of Castle-Shaped Raised Garden Bed
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32'' Tall Castle-Shaped Raised Garden Bed【Upgrade 2.0】
